BDA Accredited Workplace Assessor

I have just heard that I have been accredited by the British Dyslexia Association as a workplace assessor. This programme included: an awareness of the 7 Specific Learning Difficulties and how these can manifest themselves in adults, understand the issues of comorbidity and be aware of latest research. information on current strategies and coping mechanisms,…

Ron Davis video

This little clip from the Ron Davis video was set into someone’s blog – it is good to see the positive comments that have been linked to it.

Listening Books downloads

Listening Books have just announced that they are now offering a download service for their audio books, as well as the option to receive CDs in the post or stream the books. It already was good value and that makes it even better! They also have a comprehensive section on their website to support the…

Remember we’re blue sky…

Recently someone wrote to a national newspaper to enquire whether it was possible to find a fulfilling job with his learning difficulties. Two interesting replies were printed the following week. One offered practical advice, but it was the reply from Hilla Joshi that struck a chord. She asked that her original spelling and punctuation be…

South African research

Researchers at University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, compared the progress of 18 dyslexic students who were given instruction using Davis Dyslexia Correction techniques with a control group of students from the same school. They reported that over a period of nine months, the Davis students performed significantly better on tests of…


14 October I am a member of the Davis Dyslexia Facilitators’ Association (DDFA), a professional association for licensed Davis practitioners, and we have been building a new website over the last few months. The project has grown over time; it started out as a website to let people search for a Davis Facilitator in their…

Adult Dyslexia Diagnosis and Support

18 September Phew! Just handed in my portfolio for Unit 2 of my ADDS course. It feels great to be finished – I wont know the results until next month but I think I’ll celebrate the ‘completion’ anyway!

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