Web-delivered programmes

In response to the COVID-19 restrictions worldwide, in the very near future I will be able to offer web-delivered Davis Programmes for reading, maths, attention, and young learners. This will be a pilot programme that will last until June 30. Please contact me for more information.  

Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If? reviewed by Yvonne Graham

Richard Whitehead’s book Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If? is a great read for anyone who would like further insight into the Davis methods and how they can be applied. Yvonne Graham,author of The Dyslexia Toolkit, has written a very positive review which gives a clear overview of what the book contains. If you haven’t already…

Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If: the book

You may have subscribed to Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If, a free 15 part course primarily aimed at teachers frustrated by the children that seem to have mysterious barriers to effective learning, written by Richard Whitehead, Director of Davis Learning Foundation. This course answers questions and gives guidance about how to address the situation. Richard Whitehead…

The Tyrannosaurus Is Back!

This new one-day workshop, based on the Davis methods and linked to the popular online course, “Why ‘Tyrannosaurus’ But Not ‘If’?”, will take place again in Malvern, Worcestershire on 6th July 2016. The workshop is recommended for SENCOs, Learning Support teachers, classroom teachers (primary and secondary), private tutors and parents. Cost of attendance is currently…

Categorized as Events

Is there a link between perceptual talent and dyslexia?

I am delighted that my research article has been peer-reviewed and published in the Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education (Vol 7 pp 34-48, 2016) I undertook research to assess whether the four component parts of Davis’ perceptual talent were more evident in a small group of people who had been diagnosed with…


BETT (the education training and technology show) is on this week and I visited with some colleagues on Thursday. Technology is certainly taking over education and it did feel as if real creativity is being replaced by interactive learning games which look fun but seem to limit freedom of expression. I liked the SensoryScent company…

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